Lord, How long?
Scripture Verse: Psalm 13:1-6
Key Insights:
Many of us have asked “how long?”
When waiting on something, it seems like days are turning into weeks, weeks into months and months into years. Even during these challenging times, we wonder when will the country be back to normalcy. It’s ok to ask the question, how long? No one likes to be kept waiting.
1Samuel 17 shows us David was consecrated to be king and it took several years before that came to be. During those years he endured persecution. David wondered “how long?” David defeated the lion and the bear. He defeated Goliath and was promised Saul’s daughter. Saul was jealous of David’s success. Because of this, David left and began going from land to land
Be like David. When you’re going through something, don’t think God has forgotten you. Continue to give glory to God; seeking His face and He will come through for you. God will not forsake you.
It’s ok to ask God questions. This is the month of enlightenment. It’s ok to be honest with God regarding what you’re feeling/going through. David asked questions and received mercy not wrath from God. We should do the same. God doesn’t delay.
David asked these questions:
1. God, have you forsaken me?
a. Isaiah 49:14-15. God can never forget you. If the Lord has forgiven you, you stand forgiven. Do not let the enemy fool you.
b. Job went through a lot (i.e. lost businesses, lost family, became covered with boils) and remained faithful to God and was shown mercy.
c. What you’re going through, remember God loves you and doesn’t hate you. What he brings back will be bountiful!
d. David found out God was preparing him to be a strong king
2. Will you forget me forever?
a. No one wants to wait
b. Wait on the Lord; exercise patience
God's eyes are on us. He knows our pain. David had agony then he was focused. Psalm 13:3. His eyes were enlightened. He felt forsaken, but he wasn’t. God was always there; He never left. Psalm 13:5. David remembered all the good God had done. Trust in the mercy of the Lord. Hebrews 13:5-6. Have prayer and supplication with thanksgiving. Philippians 4:6-7.
Now is the time to surrender to the Lord. Psalm 13:6. David started in agony asking questions, became focused then surrendered and sang the praises of the Lord. Never doubt in the darkness what the Lord has done in the light before.
Remember to give God the glory- even when going through dark times. God is the same today that gave his son for us. John 3:16