Thriving In A Challenging Environment Page



Thriving In A Challenging Environment

Thriving In A Challenging Environment
Scripture Verse Genesis 26:1-5, 12-14
Key Insights:
  • God is looking out for you and your family. Fear not; even though living in a fearful environment. It’s possible for a GREAT turnaround. Amen.
  • There was a famine in the land besides the first famine in the days of Abraham.  Because Abraham obeyed Gods words, God kept his promise and Isaac was blessed. Nobody knew Isaac would make it. During the first pandemic, people stilled prospered.  Today, there is Covid-19 devastating the world. Remember God is still watching over us. You can still bounce back. Isaac still soared and became prosperous during a challenging time.
  • Stay obedient; God will surprise you!
  • What we do today, will make a way for our children. How are you making a way for your children and/or your children’s children? Are you remaining obedient like Abraham who made a way for Isaac? Need to lead a life that’s a blessing to God. Don’t deviate during this challenging time.
  • Isaac was resolute in his attitude regarding serving God even during the famine. Isaac moved forward to make every effort. He said “I’m better than this”. He never had a pity party.  If not for the grace of God, where would we be? Need to have the same spirit as Isaac…so you can move on/forward and be prosperous.
  • Need perseverance and tenacity. Don’t give up even if something doesn’t go right the first, second or third effort. Trust in the Lord, lean on Him and not yourself and he will direct your path. Proverbs 3:5-6. In the midst of challenging environments, start something! Talk to God. Turn passion into income making streams. Start from a place of fearlessness!
How do we thrive in this challenging environment?
  1. Be confident in your abilities
  2. Maintain a positive attitude
  3. Stay focused on your assignment/calling
  4. Have a lifestyle of prayer; Prayer makes a difference
  5. Have to have Faith; Call things into existence
  6. Be humble; With humility you can learn more
  7. Be Reliable; Be on time and consistent. Consistency builds integrity
  8. Don’t live in FEAR. (False Evidence Appearing Real)
  9. Have Accountability

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