Weekly Blog Page

Weekly Blog

Weekly Blog (15)



A New Thing

Scripture Verse:
Key Insights: Isaiah 43:18-19

This is the month of Divine Assurances. Seven is the number of completion, perfection and a new beginning. Any promise of God you can find… hold on to it and have faith. Amen!

God made a promise to the children of Israel when they were going through challenging situations. During bleak times, the Lord made a promise… a new thing would happen.  Isaiah 43:18-19.  That’s like today’s time. The Lord [...]



In His will; Yet in the storm

Scripture Verse: Mark 4:33-41, 5:1
Key Insights:

Right now, there is not a lot of good news but we should not be fearful. The first half of 2020 has come and gone. The second half of the 2020 a miracle awaits on the other side. The beginning of the year, there was a message of hope and encouragement. Be anxious of nothing- keep the “spirit of the other side”. There will be an increase. It will be bountiful. Amen

In the beginning of 2020, we had words of encouragement spoken to [...]



Fathers; You are Chosen

Scripture Verse: Genesis 18:16-19
Key Insights:

Fathers are chosen for a purpose. 1Peter 2:9-10.  Jesus was born to Joseph to prepare for people’s sin. Mathew 1:18-21.  What an awesome assignment from the Lord. Fathers are called for a purpose. This purpose cannot be under estimated. Amen

Some children in the Church do not have a father in the house, Christian men can help with these children by being a mentor to them. Children are the her [...]



Lord, How long?

Scripture Verse: Psalm 13:1-6
Key Insights:

Many of us have asked “how long?”

When waiting on something, it seems like days are turning into weeks, weeks into months and months into years. Even during these challenging times, we wonder when will the country be back to normalcy. It’s ok to ask the question, how long? No one likes to be kept waiting.

1Samuel 17 shows us David was consecrated to be king and it took several years before that c [...]



Prophesy: Tool for Recovery

Prophesy: Tool for Recovery
Scripture Verse: Ezekiel 37:1-10
Key Insights:

Wherever your family lives, the Lord will make a difference for His people. We’re still counted among the living. Don’t be afraid to go into anything with the help of God. Yes, there’s a recovery for you!  What’s about to come your way is 1000 times better than what you had before. The hand of the Lord will rest upon you. Amen!

The prophet Ezekiel, one of Gods servants, had a vison of recovery. [...]



Memorial: It Is All About Sacrifice

Recovering Memorial: It Is All About Sacrifice
Scripture Verse: John 15:11-14
Key Insights:

What are you willing to sacrifice? Without any pain; there cannot have any gain. Everyone wants to be remembered and/or appreciated.  We need to remember and appreciate the Lord…who made the ultimate sacrifice. Amen

In 1963 President Lincoln recognized soldiers at their final resting place- for those that gave their lives in battle. They should not have died [...]



Recovering What the Enemy Has Stolen

Recovering What the Enemy Has Stolen
Scripture Verse: 1 Samuel 30
Key Insights:

In the midst of what’s going on, there’s lots of worry/concern. Since we do not want to lose anything of value, we have security in our homes and locks on our car doors. Our God will bring recovery our way. Amen!

The enemy is a thief and comes to steal, kill and destroy. John 10:10. The purpose of the enemy is to rob Christians. Covid-19 has robbed loved ones of their fam [...]



Mother, you will laugh again

Mother, you will laugh again
Scripture Verse Genesis 18:1-15
Key Insights:

The season of laughter will begin again today. Two key words show up in the scripture that have to do with a woman, Sarah. Laughter followed by a miracle and Sorrow. The first sorrow came with fruitfulness. In Genesis, we know Sarah became fruitful in her 90's.

Expect a miracle! Divine recovery; you will receive laughter. The Lord is faithful in All his ways.

Prerequisites need [...]



Thriving In A Challenging Environment Part 2

Thriving In A Challenging Environment Part 2
Scripture Verse Genesis 26:1-6, 12-15
Key Insights:

We need the hand of God to help us, much like Isaac’s experience. Covid-19 comes with many challenges, but like Isaac we need to remain obedient and not fearful; and we will thrive during this challenging time. With God, all things are possible. Mark 10:27. Amen.

How do we thrive in this challenging environment?
  1. Be confident in your ab [...]



Thriving In A Challenging Environment

Thriving In A Challenging Environment
Scripture Verse Genesis 26:1-5, 12-14
Key Insights:
  • God is looking out for you and your family. Fear not; even though living in a fearful environment. It’s possible for a GREAT turnaround. Amen.
  • There was a famine in the land besides the first famine in the days of Abraham.  Because Abraham obeyed Gods words, God kept his promise and Isaac was blessed. Nobody knew Isaac would make it. During the first pandemic, people stilled prospered.  Today [...]

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