Grace from the Grave. "He's Risen" Page



Grace from the Grave. "He's Risen"

Grace from the Grave. "He's Risen"
Scripture Verse Luke 24:1-12
Key Insights:
  • As we hold unto Jesus- No sin and/or virus can harm us. We have nothing to lose. Amen
  • Jesus took sin to the grave.  Jesus “quarantined” for three days. Jesus took all the weight upon himself. Three days later- death didn’t hold him captive.  
  • Jesus equals the GREAT exchange. He took sin to the grave in exchange for our lives. Luke 24:1-12. Because of the grace from the grave; we can overcome every challenge. We need to have faith in Jesus. Hebrews 11:6
  • The Lord knew sin can be a deadly virus. God loves us so much; he sent his son to die for us. John 3:16. No sin is in Jesus. Sin was a way to keep us perpetually “locked down”. The blood of Jesus covers us. Sin will not have dominion over us.
  • He is Risen is the same as Christ is Alive. I Corinthians 15:13-14. He is why we gather to worship…we do not worship the dead. We call upon Him.
  • The disciples had problems because they didn’t understand the scripture regarding the resurrection. They went home and “quarantined” themselves. John 20: 9-10. The same is true today… in that people do not have a clear understanding of the resurrection.
7 Points about the Resurrection:
  1. The sacrifice that was needed by God was completed. God was pleased
  2. Puts to death false teachings. I Corinthians 15:12, 2 Timothy 2:17-18
  3. Every spirit of unbelief be destroyed
  4. Jesus had a physical body...evidence of the resurrection
    • In glory we will see one another again and we ourselves will have glorious body
  5. Great Commission made possible after the resurrection
    • We need to proclaim it. Need to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ
  6. Transformation and Change of the New Order
    • New Change post Coronavirus
    • When Christ came back, change was noticed in the disciples (i.e. timid Peter became bold. Saul became Paul who was once against the Lord and later became a champion for Him) This is an example of Grace from the grave
  7. Raised for justification. Just as if we never committed a sin

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