Fathers; You are Chosen
Scripture Verse: Genesis 18:16-19
Key Insights:
Fathers are chosen for a purpose. 1Peter 2:9-10. Jesus was born to Joseph to prepare for people’s sin. Mathew 1:18-21. What an awesome assignment from the Lord. Fathers are called for a purpose. This purpose cannot be under estimated. Amen
Some children in the Church do not have a father in the house, Christian men can help with these children by being a mentor to them. Children are the heritage of God. Psalm 127:3
Don’t let society lie to you. Fathers- you are important in the home. Mothers and fathers are both important; even though they’re different.
What are fathers chosen to do?
- Be the head. Just like Jesus is head of the Church, fathers are the head of the family. Not the woman. Ephesians 5:23. The family follows the father. Fathers need to train the family and put the fear of the Lord in the family. The work of the enemy doesn’t want fathers to fulfill their calling. Children are supposed to be great and mighty. Do not let society destroy your home. Men are the head.
- Be the priest in the home. Fathers need to have intimate conversations/relationship with God like Abraham. Genesis 15:19. Lead your family in prayer…asking God for purpose/destiny of your child. Deuteronomy 6:7, 4:9, 11:18-21.
- Be the teacher in the home. Don’t leave it to TV or society. You have to teach them the word of God. Even if the child goes astray: he/she will return to God. With God, all things are possible. Mathew 19:26.
- Be the disciplinarian. The world wants to destroy the child’s destiny. The enemy seeks to steal, kill and destroy. Christians need to discipline their children so they stay on the path to choose Jesus as their way of life. Children are gifts from God.
- Be the provider. Even if the woman is making money, she is still not the head of the household.
- Be a blessing to the children. When Jacob was dying, he called for all his children. Genesis 49. Jacob blessed his child. Genesis 27:33
God will honor the blessings you provide to your children. Amen