Memorial: It Is All About Sacrifice Page



Memorial: It Is All About Sacrifice

Recovering Memorial: It Is All About Sacrifice
Scripture Verse: John 15:11-14
Key Insights:

What are you willing to sacrifice? Without any pain; there cannot have any gain. Everyone wants to be remembered and/or appreciated.  We need to remember and appreciate the Lord…who made the ultimate sacrifice. Amen

In 1963 President Lincoln recognized soldiers at their final resting place- for those that gave their lives in battle. They should not have died in vain. Their work was unfinished. We need to be dedicated to commit to such a sacrifice as the soldiers did. Commit to our Lord and preach the gospel in the world. The work of Gods kingdom is unfinished.

Many are not ready to pay the ultimate price. When God sent Jesus to die, his only focus was how to deliver us from the grip of Satan/sin. We need to have a sacrificial heart. What are you willing to give up   based on the calling upon our lives? Christians are called to make a greater sacrifice. We can NEVER forget the price Jesus paid.

How do you want to be remembered? Committed servants of God, place God at the very top of their priorities.
Living a memorable life:
  1. Be committed to holiness. To be obedient and righteous. Making disciples; baptizing and teaching others. Be a vessel the Holy Spirit can use. Acts 1:8. Jesus laid down his life for us. 1 John 3:16. We must be willing to sacrifice as our commitment to the Lord. Cannot be self-centered/selfish.
  2. Guard against pride. Keep our eyes on Jesus. Jesus forgo pleasures of Heaven. Lived as a servant, died a shameful death. He did that to impact humanity and for His love of the brethren. Philippians 2:7
  3. Avoid discrimination. Fallen heroes fought gallantly not for one race, but for all races. Jesus came to recover the loss for the whole world. The ultimate sacrifice. As Christians, we ought to love everyone unconditionally. Agape love is unconditional love.
  4. Let the spirit of Jesus Christ abide in you. John 15:4. Daily prayer, plead for the Holy Spirit. This has to be an ongoing relationship.
  5. Be willing to lay down our lives. Forsaking acts of selfishness. Mathew 16:25

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